《深空之花》简介: 风平浪静的日常的起点往往并非风平浪静,而形单影只的青年也将不再形单影只…而那朵本该开在深空里的花,开在了他的心里……“当然,这些也都是后话了。”.—深空之花— 声明《深空之花》作者喷火龙12345,实时同步更新深空之花最新章节百度云txt全集下载,书友所发表的深空之花评论,并不代表3Q读书网赞同或者支持深空之花读者阅读的此观点,我们的立场仅限于传播更多读者感兴趣的信息。如果对小说深空之花最新章节百度云txt全集下载内容、版权等方面有质疑,或对本站有意见建议请到站务管理区发帖,如果发现《深空之花》小说最新章节未及时更新请联系我们。请支持作者的深空之花读者一定要到书店购买正版小说或者图书。更多深空之花百度云TXT下载,更多百度云txt小说下载,敬请关注3Q读书网。
- 20.The reason he never wants to know
- 19.The love that was killed
- 18.The beginning of becoming tranquil
- 17.The murderer waiting to be saved
- 16.The boat rowing towards the opposite
- 15.The warrior with nowhere to hide
- 14.The world illuminated by lights
- 13.The deserter who chose not to trust
- 11. The figures that go further away
- 1.The warmth of white snow
- 2.The fairy tale of mechanical beasts
- 3.The reason why she screamed
- 4.The emptiness that can drive action
- 5.The person that has not changed
- 6.The answer which is correct
- 7.The end of the mirror
- 8.The heart which are still beating
- 9.That puppet who pursues justice
- 10.The blazing fire that reignited
- 11. The figures that go further away
- 13.The deserter who chose not to trust
- 14.The world illuminated by lights
- 15.The warrior with nowhere to hide
- 16.The boat rowing towards the opposite
- 17.The murderer waiting to be saved
- 18.The beginning of becoming tranquil
- 19.The love that was killed
- 20.The reason he never wants to know